Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

Convert an email message to a lead

So you're ready to start creating your own leads. As we discussed earlier, leads can come from many different sources, but one of the easiest ways to create them is directly from an Outlook email message. For example, let's say someone has sent an email message to your website inquiring about a product or service your business offers. You can convert the email message to a lead.

  1. Select the email message in your Inbox, and then choose Track on the ribbon. You must track the email message before you can convert it.

  2. On the ribbon, choose Convert To, and then choose Lead. As you can see, you can also convert email messages into opportunities or cases, but we'll focus on leads for now.

  3. In the Convert to Lead dialog box, add a first name and last name for the contact, and a company name.

  4. Choose Convert.
    CRM para Outlook creates the lead in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and opens that record in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Leads form.

  5. Fill out the information in the Leads form.


Next up: It's all in the (business) process

Read more

Nurture leads through the sales process

CRM for Outlook Basics


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