Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

View records and record details

When you open a folder, such as the Accounts folder or the Leads folder, you'll see a list of the records for that record type. For example, if you open the Accounts folder, you'll see a list of customers with their addresses, phone numbers, and contacts. Lists provide a view of your data that's similar to a spreadsheet—you can see many records at the same time. Use lists to find and sort your records.

When you view a record in a list, you can see some but usually not all of the information for that record. For example, some of the columns may scroll off the screen or you may be able to see just some of the data in a particular column. If you want to see all the info for a record, just select it. The record details will be displayed in the Reading Pane below the list. Keep in mind that the information in the Reading Pane is read-only. It's just a quick way to preview all the info about a particular record.


Next up: Edit the data in a record

Read more

Find your data and work with lists

CRM for Outlook Basics


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