Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

Everything revolves around activities

In CRM para Outlook, you use activities to keep track of all your customer communications. For example, you might send email, make phone calls, set up appointments (Appts), assign tasks, or record notes as you work a sale. These actions are all considered types of activities.

To get the most out of CRM para Outlook, it's important for everyone in the organization to track all their customer interactions by adding an activity for every email, phone call, task, or appointment. That way, a customer's history is complete. As your organization's relationship with a customer builds over time, you and other people on your team can look through the list of activities as you work with the customer, and see the complete history of interactions.

Sharing information this way also makes it possible to provide key points of interest across the business. Activities can be included on dashboards and in reports to track your ongoing progress and to monitor how the team is doing.

Next up: Find activities for your area

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Email, appointments, tasks, and other assorted CRM activities

CRM for Outlook Basics


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