Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

Set whether to open Outlook forms or Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms

Throughout this guide, we've shown how you can track email, appointments, contacts, and tasks by choosing the Track button or the Set Regarding button (Set Parent button for contacts). Tracking is very simple, and it enables you to work with the same Outlook interface that's probably already familiar to you.

You also have the option to open Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms directly, however, when you want to create an activity record or contact record. If you use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms, you don't need to track your activities and contacts.

Using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms can also be useful if someone has customized Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For example, a CRM admin may have added fields that aren't available through the normal Outlook forms.

Use Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms for new activities

Next up: Customize the Reading Pane to add or remove sections

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Make it your own

CRM for Outlook Basics


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