Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

Enhanced email capabilities make you more productive

After you track an email message in CRM para Outlook, you can access several Microsoft Dynamics CRM features from the CRM para Outlook ribbon. For example, if you receive email from a potential sales lead, you can convert the email message directly into a CRM lead record. Likewise, you can convert email messages into opportunities or cases.

You can also insert a Microsoft Dynamics CRM email template or a Knowledge Base article into your email message, or even attach a sales brochure or other sales literature stored in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

All of these features make you more productive because you can work in a single tool that you're already familiar with, but access Microsoft Dynamics CRM features at the same time.

Next up: Take your work with you when you go offline

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Meet CRM for Outlook

CRM for Outlook Basics


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