Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

View and filter your activities to show only the ones you want

When you choose the Activities subfolder in the left navigation pane, you'll see the My Activities list. This list shows all activities assigned to you. If you want to see a subset of your activities, you can choose from the pre-defined system views. For example, you might want to focus your efforts on just task activities, or just appointment activities.

  1. Choose the drop-down arrow next to My Activities, point to a general area, and then select the view you want. For example, point to Phone Call, and then select My Phone Calls. If you want to see all activities (not just the activities you own), point to Activity, and then select All Activities.


Next up: Add a new activity by tracking it

Read more

Email, appointments, tasks, and other assorted CRM activities

CRM for Outlook Basics


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