Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

Tell me about accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities

Account and contact records store much of the information that you and your team collect from your customers.

You store data about companies you do business with in accounts. You store data about the people you know and work with in contacts.

Usually, an account has more than one contact associated with it, especially when you're working with a larger company with many departments or locations and you deal with several people to manage the account.

Leads are for potential sales, and most organizations get leads from many sources. For example, you can enter leads manually from business cards, generate them from marketing campaigns or inquiries from your website, buy them in mailing lists, or create them automatically from posts on Facebook or Twitter—the possibilities are almost endless.

If all goes well, after you nurture a lead, you'll be able to promote the lead to an opportunity, which is another name for a deal you're getting ready to close.

What if you see different names for the types of records in your system?

One of the beauties of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is that it's so easy to customize to match your organization's industry, business goals, or preferences. If your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system has been heavily customized, you may see different names for the types of records in CRM para Outlook because your organization calls that type of data something different. For example, your system administrator may have changed “account” to “company,” or “contact” to “individual.”

Next up: Why would I want to add my Outlook contacts to Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

Read more

Nurture leads through the sales process

CRM for Outlook Basics


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