Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Centro de clientes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Centro de clientes

It's all in the (business) process

So what do you do with leads after they've been added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM? Hopefully, you can turn these leads into opportunities and then eventually close the deal. But what's the best way to work through that process?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps you move customers through the sales process by using a visual process bar. You complete a step by entering data or marking a step complete in the process bar. When all the steps are done, you can move on to the next stage. The process bar highlights the stage you're in so you know where you are in the process, and shows you what to do next. No guesswork!

For example, the business process in the illustration above starts with a lead. As the first step in the process, you qualify or disqualify the lead based on criteria established by the business. If you qualify the lead, it's converted to an opportunity. The business process then walks you through the stages of the opportunity: 1) Qualify; 2) Develop; 3) Propose; 4) Close.

Your team can use these standardized processes to make sure everyone on the team follows the same steps and has the same interactions with customers as you move them through the sales process. Business processes help everyone follow best practices, even when handling situations that don't occur very often.

Next up: Disqualify a lead

Read more

Nurture leads through the sales process

CRM for Outlook Basics


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